Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted in Finance Magnates on Fintech growing in Singapore

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in Finance Magnates article ‘Crypto Country: Singapore’s Bid to Become Fintech’s Largest Hub’.
The journalist, Rachel McIntosh, wrote:
Sukhi Jutla, chief operating officer of blockchain-based gold jewelry platform MarketOrders, said that the passage of the PSA is part of Singapore’s bid to “position itself as the go-to place for the Fintech community.”
“Singapore has long been a leader in terms of business on the world stage making it the most competitive Asian country and the world’s easiest place to do business,” Jutla explained. “Singapore benefits from its strategic location by being a leading port for those looking to enter Asian markets and also has a pro-business environment.”
Now, the country seems to be attempting to follow in the footsteps of “countries such as Malta, Switzerland and Gibraltar,” which “have been leading the way by providing clear regulations,” and, in some cases, “driving direct inward foreign investment.”
Sukhi Jutla noted that because “Binance is very influential in the crypto scene and is seen as a company trying to do the right things by abiding by relevant legislation,” its quick and public compliance with the PSA “is a vote of confidence from Binance in the Singaporean Fintech landscape as a welcoming place to do business.”
Sukhi Jutla also pointed out that “Singapore defining clearer legislation for the crypto scene is an indication that even successful and wealthy countries such as [itself] are anticipating that Fintech and crypto will become an increasingly larger part of consumers lives.
Therefore, “it only makes sense to embrace new technologies whilst they are still young.”
You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted in Fit Small Business on pros & cons of crowdfunding

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was quoted in Fit Small Business article ‘The 10 Pros & Cons of Crowdfunding That Businesses Should Consider’.
She said: “Crowdfunding has limited time frames in which to raise and run your campaign. This helps to nudge investors to make up their minds and decide if they want to invest or not instead of dragging their heels. It’s better to have an outcome one way or another rather than an investment round dragging on forever with no definitive end in sight, which makes it difficult to plan for the business.”
You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted in AMB Crypto on crypto in the sport industry

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in AMB Crypto article ‘Boom and Bust: Crypto-education can be the safety-net footballers need’.
The journalist, , wrote:
AMBCrypto recently spoke to Sukhi Jutla, Co-founder of MarketOrders, a blockchain-based platform and she identified an alternate pathway as well.
Speaking about crypto and blockchain, she believed getting familiar with the technology and space is no longer difficult and athletes can take advantage of it through social media branding.
She explained that athletes can follow in the footsteps of various influencers and create their own micro-following with a fan base of 10,000 or fewer followers. She added, “And as long as the crypto has trading activity, the player can always generate an income even after their playing career is over. This would act as a type of royalty payment similar to how authors get paid in the publishing world each time their book is sold or loaned out in the library.”
You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders Co-Founder quoted in Carol Roth article on retaining talent

Our Co-Founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in Carol Roth article ‘How Small Businesses Can Attract and Retain Talent In a Tight Labor Market’.
She said: “Communicating often with the team helps to ensure that everyone feels they are part of the company’s mission. They all are aware of what we are working on and what goals we want to achieve. Having this clear communication on a consistent basis (for example, via newsletter updates and a closed WhatsApp group) helps employees feel they are part of the team, are included in key decisions and conversations, and are encouraged to feedback their opinions and thoughts.”
You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders COO named as one of the Top 10 crypto influencers in 2020

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently named as one of the Top 10 crypto influencers in 2020 by Trastra.
Along with Sukhi:

  • Changpeng Zhao, founder and CEO of Binance
  • Brian Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of Coinbase
  • Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum
  • Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, principal owners of Winklevoss Capital as well as the founders of premier digital asset exchange ‘Gemini’
  • Roger Ver, CEO of
  • Charlie Lee, a former Coinbase employee who is perhaps best known for being the brains behind the popular crypto project ‘Litecoin’
  • Elizabeth Stark, an active contributor to the bitcoin community, an advisor to startups in areas ranging from cryptocurrency to decentralized technology to AI
  • Brad Garlinghouse, Founder of Ripple
  • Peter Smith, one of the co-founders of Blockchain — one of the world’s most widely used crypto wallets

You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders Co-Founder quoted in CIO on IT mistakes sparking success

Our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in CIO article ‘7 common IT mistakes that can spark future success’.
The journalist, Paul Heltzel, wrote:
Sukhi Jutla, co-founder of MarketOrders, recommends an iterative approach for technology projects, then doing real-time testing.
“Mistakes are a byproduct of finding your way to success or, in other words, finding what actually works,” Jutla says. “It’s highly unlikely you’ll ever launch a product that’s perfect, but you can launch a product where it’s constantly being improved by each user experience. This leads to cumulative positive effects for the long term.”
Jutla has found, in her experience, that too much focus on upfront requirements for a project leads to delays and obsolescence before getting off the ground.

“In the past, I’d spend up to 7-8 months working with the team to identify the requirements needed, only to find that when it came to the actual build, so many features were now already out of date,” she says. “Aim to get a working prototype out as soon as possible to get real-world feedback from real users.”
Jutla now embraces the Scrum methodology because it enables her to re-align goals and plans in real-time. “You have to be prepared to fall flat on your face a few times,” she says, “to bump into a few roadblocks and to fail but knowing that all of this is vital information that you feed back into your next moves.”
You can read the full article here.
It was also featured on CIO Brazil, which you can read here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders COO quoted in American Express article on 2020 business trends

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in American Express article ‘6 Business Trends to Watch Out for in 2020’.
The journalist, Julie Bawden-Davis, wrote:
This year it’s likely that more companies will use the data derived from machine learning and AI to create more personalized services for their consumers, adds Sukhi Jutla, chief operating officer of MarketOrders, a business-to-business platform for the independent retail jewelry industry. (Jutla is also the author of three books, including The FinTech Book.)
“Businesses will put more effort into analyzing data and turning it into meaningful insights that can provide better services and products,” says Jutla. “Along with this, we’ll see a rise in demand for data scientists.”
You can read the full article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders Co-Founder quoted in German publication about IT mistakes

Our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in German publication Computerwelt.
The article, titled ‘7 häufige IT-Fehler, die den Grundstein für zukünftigen Erfolg legen können’, or in English ‘7 common IT mistakes that can lay the foundation for future success’.
The journalist, Paul Heltzel, wrote:
Remaining disorders
Sukhi Jutla, Co-Founder of MarketOrders, recommends an iterative approach to technology projects and then testing them in real-time.
“Mistakes are a by-product if you are looking for the way to success or, in other words if you find out what actually works,” says Jutla. “It is very unlikely that you will ever bring a perfect product to the market, but you can bring a product to the market that is constantly being improved by every user. In the long run, this leads to cumulative positive effects. ”
Jutla has found that focusing too much on the requirements in advance of a project leads to delays and obsolescence before it can be tackled.
“In the past, I worked with the team for up to 7-8 months to determine the requirements, only to find that many functions were already out of date during the actual build,” she says. “We should develop a working prototype as soon as possible to get real feedback from real users.
Jutla is now using the Scrum method because it can realign goals and plans in real-time. “You have to be prepared to fall on the nose a few times,” she says, “to encounter a few obstacles and fail, but you have to know that all of this is important information that you can use in your next steps leaves.
You can read the original article in German here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders COO Sukhi Jutla portrayed by Sparta Global

Our Co-Founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently portrayed in Sparta Global article ‘In conversation with Influential BAME Leaders in Tech: Sukhi Jutla’.
Sukhi was interviewed about her story and how she became an entrepreneur. She also gave a piece of advice to navigate today’s working world, women leadership, and her definition of success.
You can read the full interview here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders Co-Founder quoted in French crypto publication about UAE

Our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in the French publication The Coin Tribune. The article, titled ‘Emirats Arabes Unis, la véritable Blockchain-Nation ?’, gives insights into the UAE market and what role blockchain technology is playing.
Sukhi Jutla gave her view on the matter and said she thought UAE could become a leader in this field.
You can read the full article here.