Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by ZD Net on Covid-19

How is Covid-19 financially impacting our society?
Read MarketOrders comments in ZD Net article ‘Coronavirus and a cashless society: We can’t leave the most vulnerable behind’.

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, said: “Any device that gives you back your precious time is always going to be a hit, which is why we see more people making contactless payments; it’s simply easier than cash”; she added “With cash, you have to visit the bank or an ATM to take the cash out, and when you spend it you have to wait to get your change back and then carry those coins in your pockets. Without a doubt, we are moving towards a cashless society with millions of us using contactless cards or our smartphones and watches to simply tap and go.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted on the impact of blockchain in art

What is the impact of blockchain on the art industry?
Check out CryptoNewsPoint report, including MarketOrders comments!

Our Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, said: “Then, there is the lack of homogeneity between different artworks, which makes it difficult to value and price a fraction of the artwork; this may lead to buyers questioning if it’s really worth the investment.”

Read the report here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders speaks at Tech Conference Europe

Our Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, recently spoke at Tech Conference Europe on the panel ‘FASHION TECH – IS THE FASHION SECTOR SUFFERING OR INNOVATING?

You can now watch the recording of the panel here.

The topics discussed were:

Impact of COVID-19: tune in at 3.32 to hear Sukhi talk about what MarketOrdes is doing and how the team adapted to remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Customer experience: tune in at 20:40 to hear Sukhi talk about the importance of customer experience and why it’s no longer Ok to just focus on the products but the importance of customer interactions and real-life experience. 

Blockchain for fashion: tune in at 41.30 to hear Sukhi talk about how blockchain technology is being used at MarketOrders and how the fashion industry as a whole can benefit in terms of greater efficiency and sustainability.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders featured in Fingerprint report on Covid-19 & work revolution

MarketOrders was recently included in Fingerprint report on the effect of Covid-19 on the culture.

Could this pandemic lead to a remote work revolution?

Fingerprint asked 55 companies their opinion on the matter and how Covid-19 has affected their strategy and work culture.

Along MarketOrders, startups and business giants like Facebook, Google, Morgan Stanley, coinbase and Spotify.

Check out the report here.


Press Coverage

MarketOrders interviewed by the Transformer’s blog

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently interviewed by Martin Cuff for his Transformer’s blog.

She talked about why transformation is important, how to make it successful and her journey of disruption with MarketOrders.

Read the interview here.


Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted in E-Crypto News on enterprise blockchain

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in E-Crypto News article ‘Why Do Enterprise Blockchain Systems Fail? (Exclusive)’.

She said: “Enterprise-level blockchains have failed to live up to the expectations the DLT community had primarily because enterprises DLTs are perhaps not exploiting the key benefits of DLT technology and are more focused on permission-based blockchains where the control and trust still end up with the enterprise creating it.

Perhaps blockchain ‘purists’ and others don’t feel this is the right way to utilise this innovative technology.
Enterprises have also failed to keep up with innovating as most will invest budgets to get a rudimentary proof of concept created but then don’t invest further to scale out the blockchain and put it to use within the enterprise.
Large enterprises have the budgets to do this but perhaps they are not 100% on board with this new technology and hesitate to invest further or take it seriously, especially if their current systems are working well.”
Read the article here.
Press Coverage

MarketOrders writes for Jewellery Focus

How can jewellery retailers, who have survived up to this point, ensure they keep growing and thriving during these uncertain times?

Our Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, recently wrote an article for Jewellery Focus, sharing her best tips on how the trade can come out of this pandemic stronger than ever, by embracing digital technology-driven new trends.

In this article, she talks about omnichannel sales, customer engagement via social media, concierge services – the rise of personalisation, rethinking the supply chain, digital reskilling of your staff, conferences and trade shows go virtual, and new digital offerings and products.

Read the article here.


Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted in E-Crypto News on Stable coins

MarketOrders was recently quoted in E-Crypto News article ‘Are Stablecoins the Future?’

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, said: “We have seen more money being pumped into stable coins due to the economic uncertainty currently prevailing. These coins tend to have more stability than other pure digital currencies which are more volatile and are being affected more by the current pandemic as we see more speculative trading.”

Read the article here.


MarketOrders News Press Coverage

MarketOrders named on the Mad33 list!

We made the Mad33!
What a great honour for the MarketOrders team!

The Mad33 are nominated by you, selected by an expert panel of judges and Making A Difference in the world right now.

Find out who are the other 32 changing the world here.

MarketOrders News Press Coverage

MarketOrders speaking at Tech Conference Europe

June 9, during the virtual edition of TECH Conference Europe, leaders of several tech industries, including MarketOrders, will meet online to discuss the recent updates that are shaping our future.

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, is looking forward to speaking on the panel “FASHIONTECH – IS THE FASHION SECTOR SUFFERING OR INNOVATING”.

Jovita Gabnienė (Dispute Resolution & Entertainment Attorney / Ambassador of TECH Conference Europe Baltics Edition) will moderate the panel and be joined by Stefania Barbaglio (Founder and Director at Cassiopeia Services), Filipa Neto (Innovation Principal at Farfetch), Karim Coppola (Founder and Creative Director at VISORE LAB) and Sukhi.

Get more information here.

Get your ticket here.