Press Coverage

MarketOrders featured by Fintech Zoom

Many industries are currently looking at building blockchain-based applications that will improve their various processes and systems. Now, the jewelry industry that moves precious metals and gems, such as gold and diamonds, is researching how blockchain technology can provide transparency to their supply chain in order to minimize third-party transaction fees and discourage fraudulent activities.

Find out more in Fintech Zoom article titled: ‘Diamond Industry Needs Transparency Afforded by Blockchain Technology’, including our COO’s expertise on the subject.

Click here to access it.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders portrayed by Startup.Info

How has the pandemic affected startups? How can you keep a positive mindset as a founder?

Our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, was recently interviewed by Startup.Info in an article titled: ‘How Startups are Forging Ahead and Staying Positive during a Pandemic’.

Click here the read it!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders Nominated as a Top Marketplace Company in London

We are thrilled to announce that MarketOrders was recently nominated as a Top Marketplace Company in London by!

It’s an honour to be recognised after all the hard work and dedication our team has proven to serve jewellery retailers in London.

Find out more about the other startups selected in this article!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Go Banking Rates on Bitcoin adoption

In March, Elon Musk announced that Tesla would allow customers to purchase its electric vehicles using bitcoin — but will other major brands follow suit? Will we soon live in a world where you can purchase your next cup of coffee using crypto? GOBankingRates asked our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, financial, banking, and cryptocurrency insights to weigh in on whether or not paying with bitcoin will ever be as common as paying with cash.

Sukhi said: ““Bitcoin is one of the most successful and proven cryptocurrencies in existence. However, it still lacks the stability that most currencies that are widely adopted need to have. The volatility it has at the moment is due to its speculative nature; it could become more stable if it is more widely adopted and used. For this to happen, we need governments to endorse it and approve of it, and also put in place regulations to protect investors and consumers who want to buy and use this crypto as a currency. Without this protection in place, it won’t get adopted widely. The tricky part will be how to ensure you don’t create a ‘central governing’ body to administer this, as this goes against crypto principles and values of decentralization.” 

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders featured in The Purchaser magazine

We’re thrilled to share with you that The Purchaser magazine has profiled MarketOrders in the first issue of 2021. What a great honour to be featured in this promising publication!

You can read the article here.

MarketOrders News Press Coverage

MarketOrders awarded by Corporate Vision for Most Outstanding B2B Technology Start-up

We’re thrilled to announce that MarketOrders has been awarded the title of Most Outstanding B2B Technology Start-up 2021 – UK by Corporate Vision!

The Corporate Excellence Awards were launched by CV Magazine to showcase the companies and individuals that are committed to innovation, business growth, and providing the very best products and services to clients across a wide range of industries.

This award was judged purely on merit by our in-house team with all potential winners assessed against multiple relevant criteria, including company performance over a given period of time, expertise within the industry, sector or region, previous accolades won, and client testimonials or recommendations.

Find out more about the awards here.

MarketOrders News Press Coverage

MarketOrders profiled in CIO Look Magazine

We’re delighted to have been profiled by CIO Look in an article titled ‘Sukhi Jutla: Taking Jewellery Industry to the New Heights’. The article was published in CIO Look magazine but you can also read it online here.

This article was part of a special edition of the magazine, “The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping the Future 2021”.

A huge thank you to the team at CIO Look for having us part of this issue.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Lifewire

Working from home is likely to morph into a permanent hybrid work/office model. This sounds great, but it brings problems of its own. Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was quoted in Lifewire article ‘How Work Could Look Different in the Future’.

She said: “I think we will see more ‘flexible’ work become the norm. For example, it will be OK to have a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon where you may need to be ‘off-line’ for a few hours and then can log back in and do the work a bit later. Even if they have to be in the office 1-2 days a week, people will be willing to do longer commutes for a few days rather than five days”.

Click here to read the article.

MarketOrders News

MarketOrders sign a pledge helping gender equality

We are proud to have signed the Fawcett East London pledge that will help gender equality. “Asking for salary history is an unfair way to determine salary history &  contributes to the gender and ethnicity pay gap. This practice is not only out-dated but also a potential risk for organisations. We chose to mitigate this risk by displaying the fact that we will not ask for salary history, which will help attract a broader range of candidates and show we are working towards gender equality,” says Ram Krishnna Rao, CEO at MarketOrders.

Learn more about the pledge here.

Find out more about Fawcett East London here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Start it up article

Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.

Our Co-Founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in Start it up article ‘5 Success Strategies For Female Leaders and Founders’.

She says: “Don’t make assumptions about whether pe.ople have money to invest! I learned quickly that there were many people who were willing to invest large amounts but I hadn’t been telling them I was raising so I assumed they were not likely to invest.”

Click here to read the article.