Press Coverage

MarketOrders featured in E-Crypto News for International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day!
Our COO Sukhi Jutla was quoted by E-Crypto News in an article highlighting incredible women in the blockchain industry! The article, titled ‘On This “Int’l Women’s Day” We Talk To 21 Women Who Lead The Blockchain Movement’, features 21 women making great contributions to this growing industry.

Sukhi said: “The greatest impact will be of mass collaboration. The trust required to do business with others will be encoded into the very fabric of the way businesses are run in the future. 

No longer will we have monopolies like large banks and tech giants owning or controlling data and processes but everyone participating in the system will have a vested interest to behave in a way that is fair and transparent. 

We will see ‘self- governing’ businesses become more of the norm and the power will be transferred back to the buyer making purchasing decisions. 

Just as the internet democratized access to information, blockchain technology will democratize value and disburse it more freely.”

Click here to read it.