Our COO & Co-Founder, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in German publication Computerwelt.
The article, titled ‘7 häufige IT-Fehler, die den Grundstein für zukünftigen Erfolg legen können’, or in English ‘7 common IT mistakes that can lay the foundation for future success’.
The journalist, Paul Heltzel, wrote:
Remaining disorders
Sukhi Jutla, Co-Founder of MarketOrders, recommends an iterative approach to technology projects and then testing them in real-time.
“Mistakes are a by-product if you are looking for the way to success or, in other words if you find out what actually works,” says Jutla. “It is very unlikely that you will ever bring a perfect product to the market, but you can bring a product to the market that is constantly being improved by every user. In the long run, this leads to cumulative positive effects. ”
Jutla has found that focusing too much on the requirements in advance of a project leads to delays and obsolescence before it can be tackled.
“In the past, I worked with the team for up to 7-8 months to determine the requirements, only to find that many functions were already out of date during the actual build,” she says. “We should develop a working prototype as soon as possible to get real feedback from real users.
Jutla is now using the Scrum method because it can realign goals and plans in real-time. “You have to be prepared to fall on the nose a few times,” she says, “to encounter a few obstacles and fail, but you have to know that all of this is important information that you can use in your next steps leaves.
You can read the original article in German here.
MarketOrders Co-Founder quoted in German publication about IT mistakes