Press Coverage

MarketOrders awarded at Digital Enterprise Show in Madrid

Our Co-Founders Ram & Sukhi spent 3 days in Madrid at the Digital Enterprise Show (19-21 May 2019), the must-attend event on digital transformation with 26,342 attendees from over 50 countries.
Here is a summary of they’ve been up to:

  • Radio interview with Spain’s Capital Radio
  • Video interview with DES | Digital Enterprise Show
  • Panel talk on how to get more women into technology
  • Book signing event for Sukhi’s book “Escape The Cubicle: Quit The Job You Hate, Create a Life You Love” where she met with fans and readers
  • Meeting with investors for our crowdfunding campaign


  • Sukhi delivered her Keynote talk in the Inspiration Arena called ”MarketOrders: How you can forge a successful career in blockchain technology.”
  • Sukhi & Ram attended the Gala Dinner Awards in the evening to celebrate the European Digital Mindset Awards where MarketOrders picked up the Finalist award for ‘ BEST 2019 DIGITAL DISRUPTOR IN START-UPS’. The Gala was great fun with fantastic entertainment and great food. Thank you, DES!


  • Sukhi & Ram spent the day meeting with potential investors as there was a lot of support from people and interest in our crowdfunding campaign.
  • They also attended a number of presentations on blockchain including decentralised ledgers, fintech, asset tokenisation and blockchain within governments. It is clear to see that there are still many possibilities unexplored in the blockchain area and it is good to see these conversations taking place.

They look forward to coming back next year!