Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in The Cryptonomist

MarketOrders White Paper is catching the media’s attention following its release on August 5.

The Cryptonomist dedicated an article to it, titled ‘Blockchain: innovation in the jewellery industry’.

Read the article now!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Jewellery Focus

Our White Paper is getting the attention of the media! It is now Jewellery Focus who wrote a piece on our research paper.

You can download a clipping of the article here.

If you’d like to view it online, you’ll have to sign up here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by CEO Blog Nation on disruption

Is your industry ready for a change? The decision on which industry one should venture in is often determined by factors such as advancement in technology and availability of capital. The prevailing trends may favor some industry while others prove to be more profitable over time.

Our CEO, Ram Krishnna Rao, was recently quoted in CEO Blog Nation article ’24 Entrepreneurs Reveal The Industries That Are Ripe For Disruption’.

He said: “Industries that traditionally have lower levels of transparency are now ripe for disruption with the use of innovative technologies. Some of these include supply chains, logistics, high-value goods such as art and jewellery as well as healthcare. Customers are increasingly conscious about what they buy and where it comes from. They are demanding more and more transparency and are products that are sustainably and ethically sourced.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Just Entrepreneurs

Following the release of our White Paper, MarketOrders got coverage in Just Entrepreneurs. The article, titled ‘MarketOrders set to combat inefficiency and fraud in the Jewellery Industry’, explains the purpose of our White Paper and our ambition to boost innovation and transparency in the jewellery industry, using new technologies.

You can read the article here.

Download our White Paper here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted on product development tips

While making product development, many entrepreneurs get to worry about the product – whether it gets success in the market or not. And certainly, they become perplexed and forget a fact that “Success doesn’t lie in results but lies in the efforts.”

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in iFour Technolab article ‘WAYS TO MAKE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SUCCESSFUL WITH PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS’.

She said: “Break your product development into the smallest units/pieces and then only develop and launch one piece at a time. An iterative approach in this way allows you to stay agile, make quick changes where needed and most importantly, get a version of your product out to real-life customers and help them to co-create the product they want and need by asking for their feedback.

Otherwise, many startups can burn through a lot of capital, spending years developing something that never launches and when it does, is already stale and not what customers want anymore. Technology evolves very quickly as well as customers’ demands and expectations. Breaking down your development and involve your customers in the building process is essential as it keeps you in touch with the market in real-time, making it easier for you to adapt and/or pivot your product.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Finance 101 on Fintech disrupting banking

It’s happening now, and the handwriting is on the wall for banks who face potential extinction thanks to the emergence of financial technologies, or “fintech.”

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted by Finance 101 in their article ‘6 ways fintech is changing banking for consumers’.

She said: “The rise of blockchain and digital payments could severely damage this income stream for banks as customers don’t want to pay more for something they can get cheaper or for free elsewhere;

Via convenience and faster turnaround times. Fintech is also increasingly using artificial intelligence and machine learning to help people with decisions when it comes to savings.

Consumers can now choose financial products like pensions and mortgages … much faster than they can with traditional banks; Fintech allows bank accounts to be opened in a matter of minutes compared to traditional banks which can still take up to several weeks to open basic banking accounts.

In addition, many banks still don’t have decent online banking services or still require that customers visit a branch for identification and verification purposes. With fintech, this all can be done at home with the use of facial recognition technology on your mobile phone.

Banks are no longer enjoying the immunity their reputations and size previously gave them.

The industry is no longer dominated by monopolies; instead, fintech has produced new competitors that enable banking consumers, for the first time, to actively choose banks on their terms.

Simultaneously, banks are falling out of favor as they are unable to stay current with changing technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and artificial intelligence wealth managers.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders writes for the AMBA on Covid-19 & innovation

Virtually overnight, businesses around the world have adapted their businesses to offer digital solutions, work remotely and maximise the use of technology.

So, what does this acceleration mean, and which industries will it impact the most?

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, offers some tips to those entering this new world, especially when they have just graduated from Business School.

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders interviewed by Keep Going-ER

What makes a startup successful? One word: team!

At MarketOrders, we believe that success is achieved by people, their hard work, resilience and collaboration, which is why we carefully select the best talents and personalities to join our team.

Our Head of PR & Communications, Caroline Hoffmann, was recently interviewed by Keep Going-ER. She told her story and how she’s been overcoming the challenges coming her way.

Read what she has to say here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by CEO Blog Nation on technologies’ impact on entrepreneurship

We live in an era where technology goes hand in hand with business. It impacts the pace at which businesses grow and it’s interesting to see trends that will emerge from some of these technologies.

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted in CEO Blog Nation article ’18 Entrepreneurs Discuss The Technologies That Will Have the Biggest Impact On Entrepreneurship’.

She said: “Any technology that improves the speed and accuracy on how to communicate with your team and stakeholders will help entrepreneurs. Running a business means the founder is accountable to all people including their staff, customers and investors and other stakeholders. It is vital to be able to communicate key information effectively and in a timely manner.

So, tools that help to do this such as apps that help you write effective and to the point emails/presentation and tools that help you to communicate on a global basis like Zoom will create transformative results. In a world that’s shifting to remote working practises it is more important than ever before to ensure communications still take place is an effective manner.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Information Age on blockchain fatigue

How can companies determine that they are suffering from blockchain fatigue, and how can decision makers and staff overcome it?

Check out Sukhi Jutla comments in Information Age article ‘Determining and overcoming blockchain fatigue’.

She said: “Blockchain fatigue sets in mainly due to the fact that not many people fully understand what this technology offers and so have difficulties trying to implement it into their business or process. This lack of understanding can lead to frustration and consequently a dwindling enthusiasm for the technology.

“While still in its infancy, blockchain is perhaps stretching the patience of those who were initially overly optimistic about the technology. The continued lack of full-scale implementation of blockchain is creating this sense of fatigue as there are still no end-to-end fully deployable solutions available for enterprises.

“Most of the work still focuses on small pilot projects and this, coupled with technology immaturity, lack of standards and a general misunderstanding of how blockchain technology works and what it offers, is also contributing to the market feeling fatigued with blockchain.”

Read the article here.