Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets quoted on Public Relations for startups

What are the advantages and disadvantages for startups to hire a PR person in-house versus hiring an external PR consultant or a PR agency to run a campaign?

Our Head of PR & Communications, Caroline Hoffmann, answers this question in PR on the go article ‘Public Relations for Start-ups: In-house Or Outsourced?’.

She said:

“The main advantages of hiring a PR agency are getting results more effectively and save you some time. Time is money! As a startup, the trickiest part of press relations is getting the journalists’ contact details, knowing how to pitch them and getting their attention. A PR agency has already built trusted relationships with journalists and knows what they’re interested in, which helps them pitch relevant publications and be more efficient. Regarding the results, you can put KPIs in place to ensure you get minimum results every month. For example, quoted in 3 top tier publications and get 1 industry profile piece a month.

The main disadvantages of hiring a PR agency are a substantial cost and not ‘owning’ the relationships with journalists. As a startup, you usually have little idea of how much a PR agency costs. Price can range from £1000 to £10,000 for the same service. I’d say the average price for press relations is £1500 for a great freelancer and £4500 for a great agency.

It can also be difficult to know which agency pitches for organic content and which agency pays for coverage in unfaithful ways. I’d say if an agency tells you they can guarantee you coverage in Forbes and the Financial Times, run away! No one can guarantee press coverage unless they’re using illegal ways to get it.

The second disadvantage is not owning the relationships with journalists as every communication you’ll have with them will usually go through the agency. This means you’ll not be directly in touch with journalists and will not be able to stay in touch the day you stop working with the agency. This is why as a startup, you should try to do some in-house PR using free tools like HARO or Qwoted so that you can build and own the relationships with journalists.

At MarketOrders, when we started we didn’t have any budget to allocate to PR and used free tools like HARO, Qwoted and our network (don’t underestimate the power of your network!). After 6 months of work, we got fantastic results:

  • Over 100 articles in the press, including The Sun, The Telegraph, City AM, Startups Magazine, Business Cloud, Management Today…
  • Over 20 awards nominations.
  • Our crowdfunding campaign overfunded at 112%, raising a total of £439,840.
  • 95% of the investors heard of us outside of the crowdfunding platform, through press coverage.

Moral of the story? If you can afford it, have someone in-house to manage your PR and hire an agency to get top tier press coverage and high-quality articles, which are harder to get. Building your profile and credibility using free tools on a day to day basis is very rewarding and also makes the agency’s job easier. You can also hire an agency only for a 4–6 month campaign to launch a specific product or service.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by E-Crypto News on blockchain adoption

The world’s first blockchain was introduced a decade ago. Since then, the adoption of blockchain technology has occurred at snail’s pace. E-Crypto News spoke to some experts, including MarketOrders, about the best blockchain adoption strategies.

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, said: “Here are my top tips on creating a blockchain strategy:
1. Ensure there is a shared understanding of blockchain within your business and team who will execute the project so they have an understanding of how the technology works. Know what it can do and it’s limitations. This will also help to get management buy-in and support from stakeholders.
2. Define the problem – you don’t want to be boiling the ocean as results will be difficult to quantity. Instead, take time to identify a specific business area or process where you think blockchain could create benefits such as increases efficiently or better transactional performance.
3. Build a Minimal viable product – prototype your idea using minimum resources and in a short time frame. This will allow you to build something fast and not waste months on something that may fail. This MVP will also help to identify if you have created the right solution to the right problem.
4. Identify where you may have a skills gap in your team and recruit the right skill set to help you build your solution.
5. Once you have a solution that works you can then start to think about scaling this to other areas of your business.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders featured in the 1 Million in STEM campaign

The 1 Million in STEM campaign aims to spotlight 1 Million STEM women to provide visible role models & inspire the next generation of girls.

Our Head of PR & Communications, Caroline Hoffmann, got recently featured!

She said: “Know your value, be fearless, supportive, involved in your community and don’t underestimate the power of a network.

Read her interview now!

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, was featured a few weeks ago.

Check out her interview here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Blockchain Magazine

Following the release of our White Paper early August, MarketOrders has driven great interest from the jewellery and the blockchain industries.

This time, it is Blockchain Magazine who wrote an article titled ‘MarketOrders Vows to Rid Independent Jewellers of “Outdated Processes”’.

Read it now!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in UK Tech News

‘MarketOrders set to launch blockchain solution to combat fraud and supply chain inefficiency in the jewellery industry’, wrote UK Tech News, highlighting our White Paper release on August 5.

Check out the article now!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Media Leaders on company culture

Whether it’s building a better culture, reducing mistakes or avoiding failure, the best companies are constantly seeking to improve as a team.

Some of the best companies will take each project and huddle together to find out what went right, and wrong. The huddle is often called a “debrief” and it’s not just for the business world.

In many of the best companies (and military groups), each project/mission will debrief afterwards to talk about what made it successful and where there are areas to improve upon. One of the key takeaways is to always be positive and never play the blame game.

Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, was recently quoted by Media Leaders in their article ‘Debriefing to Win: How Company Culture Excels When Teams Debrief’.

She said: “The biggest difference between low and high performing teams is that high performers take accountability and responsibility for their own actions as well as the collective actions of the team as a whole. This is also how high performing units like the Navy Seals operate – they take ownership, have an open mind, and learn not to take failure or mistakes as a personal attack. Each mistake is viewed as an opportunity to improve the process. Low performing teams, on the other hand, have low levels of trust between team members which results in more blame and the need to protect the ego. They care more about their individual standing and less about the collective unit.

So how do you encourage your teammates to take ownership and responsibility? Provide the right incentives. This can include the opportunity to learn, lead a team, and learn new skills. You also need to create an environment where teammates won’t feel blamed or victimized if things go wrong.

A debrief needs to be depersonalized. Assess and talk about only the actions or processes that were taken and assess them – not the individual who took them. This puts the focus on the actual task that was done and can be assessed without emotional baggage rather than focusing on WHO took the action.”

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in RegTech Analyst

And… here is another publication shining a light on our White Paper! This time, it’s RegTech Analyst!

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Fintech Global

‘MarketOrders launches blockchain to prevent gold and jewellery fraud’, is the title of another article highlighting MarketOrders White Paper, written by Fintech Global!

Read the article now!

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Professional Jeweller

MarketOrders has caught the eye of the jewellery industry following the release of its White Paper on August 5. This research paper has generated great interest from journalists and professionals and quality articles.

Professional Jeweller wrote a piece titled ‘Blockchain tech vows to rid independent jewellers of “outdated processes”’, describing how MarketOrders will use technology to combat industry fraud and increase delivery times for independent jewellers, thereby increasing their profits.

Read the article here.

Press Coverage

MarketOrders gets coverage in Retail Jeweller

Our White Paper is making some waves in the jewellery industry with this time an article by Retail Jeweller, titled ‘B2B marketplace for gold and diamonds aims to combat inefficiencies in the jewellery industry’.

You can download a clipping of the article here.

Or view it online by signing up here.