MarketOrders COO and Co-founder Sukhi Jutla speaks at DES conference,the largest forum on international digital transformation held in Europe.
Sukhi who is an author, entrepreneur and female voice in New-Tech world & Blockchain industry has given great talk on “How we can get more women into digital transformation” on day 1 of the event. Sukhi is a great advocate of women joining today’s digital disruption, she believes that women have incredible force and potential and they should use their natural creativity in order to contribute to the technological landscape that we are living in today.
Sukhi has also given a keynote speech in which she talks about how MarketOrders is using Blockchain to revolutionise Gold & Diamond industry.
Sukhi has also been officially signing paperback version of her Blockchain nr.1 bestseller “Escape the Cubicle – quit the job you hate, create the life you want” at the event.
Sukhi Jutla interviewed by DES TV!

Click HERE to watch the interview.