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MarketOrders quoted by Information Age on blockchain strategy

Use cases for blockchain are getting increasingly common in various sectors, but how can companies achieve a perfect blockchain strategy?

Check out Sukhi Jutla’s comments in Information Age article ‘How to perfect your blockchain strategy’.

She said: “Ensure there is a shared understanding of blockchain within your business, and make sure that the team who will execute the project have a strong understanding of how the technology works, including knowledge of what it can do as well as its limitations.”

She added: “Identify where you may have skills gaps in your team and recruit the right skill set to help you build your solution.

“Then, you must define the problem – don’t waste your time boiling the ocean! Instead, take the time to identify a specific business area or process where you think blockchain could create benefits, such as increasing efficiency or improved transactional performance.

“Once you have a solution that works you can then start to think about scaling this to other areas of your business.”

Learn more by reading the article here.