Press Coverage

MarketOrders quoted by Information Age on blockchain fatigue

How can companies determine that they are suffering from blockchain fatigue, and how can decision makers and staff overcome it?

Check out Sukhi Jutla comments in Information Age article ‘Determining and overcoming blockchain fatigue’.

She said: “Blockchain fatigue sets in mainly due to the fact that not many people fully understand what this technology offers and so have difficulties trying to implement it into their business or process. This lack of understanding can lead to frustration and consequently a dwindling enthusiasm for the technology.

“While still in its infancy, blockchain is perhaps stretching the patience of those who were initially overly optimistic about the technology. The continued lack of full-scale implementation of blockchain is creating this sense of fatigue as there are still no end-to-end fully deployable solutions available for enterprises.

“Most of the work still focuses on small pilot projects and this, coupled with technology immaturity, lack of standards and a general misunderstanding of how blockchain technology works and what it offers, is also contributing to the market feeling fatigued with blockchain.”

Read the article here.